Featured expert for Cosmopolitan read it here.

‘Relationship coach Shula Melamed agrees that apart from chemistry, attraction, and a shared taste in takeout, timing is a super integral part of a serious relationship. “Sometimes [people] don't have the bandwidth to commit to a relationship or we are in a different phase of life than the person we love/that loves us,” says Melamed. “We can fall in love with a lot of different people, but they aren't always going to be the people we can build a life with.”’

‘Melamed confirms that “if the connection is still there when the timing lines up, it can be an incredible opportunity to see what can happen."‘

‘Melamed says, you’re best bet is to be optimistic but still realistic. Don’t pass up your dream job or a chance to move somewhere you’ve always wanted to live because you’re waiting for the timing to maybe eventually work out. “Live your life and if things happen to align later, fabulous,” Melamed says. “Don't wait around and shut yourself from other opportunities.”’

‘Melamed notes that being super connected to someone isn’t always enough to make it work. You have to both want the same type of relationship and be in a place to have that relationship. ‘

‘“There are many ‘ones’” Melamed says. “Love is not a finite resource. When you open yourself to the possibilities of life, you will find this to be true.”’

